The Ivy Walls (http://www.theivywalls.com/fr_home.cfm)
The Mulhollands (http://www.mulhollandsmusic.com/_.html)
Cisforcarlo (http://www.myspace.com/cisforcarlosongs)
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (http://www.thepainsofbeingpureatheart.com)
Naomi Greenwald (http://naomigreenwald.com)
Music for the Monkeyoil.com Listening Station is hand picked by Rita Gennawey of KCUI. Hear the music in person, on the Listening Station during the Santiago Art District Art Walk held on the third Saturday of each month.
Listen to Rita's show:
The Sound Session with Rita Gennawey
Thursday nights from 8PM-10PM
KUCI 88.9FM in Irvine, CA
For more information about the Art Walk, visit: